Tuesday, 21 October 2008

[Saint Cloth Myth] God of Sleep Hypnos - First Tamashii photos

Here are the first two, rather colourful, photos of Hypnos, the second twin god at the service of Hades.

Personally, I find the contrast between the purple and the off-gold to be a little clashing. I know they're only trying to emulate what was done in the OVAs but still it feels like they're mixing the colours of Dark Aries Shion and the 3 judges of the Underworld.

I also can't help but be concerned about the little flaps at the bottom of the skirt. Somehow they remind me of the flimsy flaps on Shiryu V3's belt which come off all the time. Let's hope the construction will be better there.

Thanks linkin188 for the photos :)


  1. Have they set any release date for this gorgeous bloke?(hope they give me enough time to find some space for him!!) :P

  2. End of December, last time I checked.
