Thursday 25 September 2008

[Saint Cloth Myth] Figure Oh 128

As every month, with a Hobby Japan, comes a Figure Oh, and vice-versa. This month has once again the upcoming special edition of Broken Pegasus Seiya in the spotlight... and it's been redesigned. 

The guys at bandai and Figure Oh are rather clever when they put the prototype up such a long time in advance (remember it comes out next April). This allows them to gather feedback on people's expectations. One thing that immediately strikes me with this redesign is something I pointed out in a forum (which they can't have picked up unless they speak French ^^) regarding how "clean" the body of Seiya is for such a damaged cloth. So sure enough, if you look at the new grey prototype, you'll notice slashes in the legs and damaged arm-bands. This truly enhances the feeling of damage sustained through relentless battles, not just "putting on a cloth I can't be bothered looking after" :p

The Pegasus Object has also been redesigned to be more stremalined and more pleasant to look at compared to the original Pegasus V2 Object.

Almost makes me feel like getting a copy... We shall see.

Thanks to Sorrento for the photos ^^

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