I know I'm a little late in the bandwagon for posting this but bear with me because rather than posting blurry small pictures, I was waiting for the high res scans of these to really appreciate what it offers, and I'm hoping you won't be disappointed guys. Thanks immensely to Trevor for providing those scans :D
So as you can see the major feature in both magazines is Gamma star, Phecda Thor, the giant of the north and what a giant. We've been shown prototypes of various sorts with uncertain ideas of its actual size. Now we have a full scale colour photo complete with facial features and size comparaisons.
In terms of size, what we can expect is just under twice the size of an average myth, which will make it truly impressive indeed! If you have a diorama to display it in, keep him on the lowest level ;)
This latest Hobby Japan comes with a few rather important announcements as well. First of them is the 3D graphic announcing the release of Odin's God Robe. While this is not a surprise so much since the name was included with the labels in the Display Stands C, it's still nice to see that its release is rather imminent. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if it was going to be released for December as we know Kagaho comes out in November and nothing's scheduled for October but we already have a prototype for Kagaho as you can see below.
Next to be announced is the release of the 12 Gold Saints Pandora's boxes, made of metal (die cast as they call it) and apparently divided in 4 sets of 3 starting with Aries, Taurus and Gemini. Whether Roshi Dohko is included in the first set is not really clear but it would be a nice thought to have the first set with Dohko, the second with, say, Kiki, and then all bets are open for sets 3 and 4. Now I'm speculating here so don't go spreading roumors. Though if someone reads Japanese better than I do, a clarification on the inclusion of Dohko with the set would be appreciated.
The little window about the Upcoming October Tamashii Nations is rather interesting. Whilst we already knew about Pegasus Final Cloth OCE, there will be other St Seiya goodies as well. The first two are Appendix Milo and Appendix Shaka both OCE. You may be wondering what this means exactly, well in the manga, Milo actually has blonde hair so that'll be that, but then, so does Shaka, just like in the anime. We know from previous releases (Poseidon, Seiya God Cloth, Appendix Saga...) that OCE merely means recolouring of the cloth or the body to match the covers of the manga. So what it'll mean for Shaka is a mystery. We also have a new set of clear yellow / golden display stands appropriately lettered 'D' which were first visible at the first Tamashii Nations if you recall the exhibit on the Gold Bronze saints Reborn cloth with the Libra weapons. I'll be interested to see the labels on that one. Finally it seems visitors to the Exhibit will be given little Pegasus Objects as a token. Got one of those with my Seiya Plain Cloth, they're not much to awe about ;)

Now Figure Oh pretty much has the same announcements (though they seem to have missed Odon for some reason). Only one bit in there leads me to believe that the Gold Saint Pandora set (with Dohko?) will be only available through the Tamashii web store in the same way Seiya God Cloth OPE was. That means it'll be quite pricy for anyone trying to get it outside Japan.

I'll leave you to admire the Asgardian Giant. Thanks again to Trevor for the scans ;)