[Saint Cloth Myth] Figure Oh 140, lots of News
Hey folks, I haven't updated this for a while, sorry about that, but to compensate here are some pretty exciting news for you myth cloth-wise ;)
With the 2009 planning being set, we're now moving onto the 2010 releases and many of those will certainly be shown at the Tamashii Nations exhibit in a couple of weeks. So what's in store? Well for this year we have Phecda Thor released today, next month it's a whole bunch of Tamashii Nations specials, the OCE appendixes of Shaka and Milo, the first 3 gold pandora's boxes with Old Dohko and Pegasus Seiya Final Cloth OCE. In November we have Benu Kagaho and December Odin God Robe.
In January, it seems like it's not 1 but 2 new releases:
- Cancer Deathmask Surplice
- Zeta Prime star Alcor Bud
You can see pictures of them below, though Bud doesn't look like he's changed much since he was first present at the first Tamashii Nations (in other words, the Odin Sapphire is still there, and it shouldn't be but it's ok I suppose, after all Thor's Mjöllnir Hammers aren't quite right either)
The other "prototypes" (they look quite complete to me) presented below are:
- Dragon Shiryu God Cloth
- Pegasus Seiya First Cloth (anime version)... you know the one the majority of people have been wanting for years!!
It certainly looks pretty exciting for 2010

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