Saturday 5 July 2008

[Saint Cloth Myth] Japan Expo Appendixes

Most of you probably remember the exiting previews we had in March with the Tamashii Nations Exhibit in Japan. Among all the Saint Seiya goodies exhibited there, one of them showed a complete diorama of the Double Athena Exclamation scene from the Hades Sanctuary OVAs. Well it seems, somehow this diorama made its way to the Japan Expo currently taking place in Paris.

Now for some reason no one seemed to have been able to take really good pictures of Milo, Camus and Shura in that particular diorama at Tamashii Nations. This has now been rectified with some pretty awesome pictures of Milo. I suspect this is what we can expect to have when his appendix will be released. Of course we still don't know when it'll be released and for how much but we can now appreciate what the trio looks like with better faces:

Camus is rumored (I'm yet to see any confirmed annoucement that this is indeed the case) to be released as an appendix at the same time as Milo. It's not clear at all if it'll be an appendix of the Gold version or the renegade version as pictured below. Personally, I'm not too fond of this version as it pretty much limits it to the Athena Exclamation pose and not much else.

In any case, thanks to PeJ and Tsume for the photos :)

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